Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's the end of the day, and I feel good.
I am not sure Glynnis has hit my problem yet....I can clean up what she says, but I have an issue of procrastination--I want to avoid cleaning and putting things in their place: I don't have places to put them.  I have such a small house that I need to stop buying, but that has happened.  I am also very bad at pitching.  I just always think I might need it...maybe.
So to avoid dealing with the clutter, I am good at procrastinating in any way possible.
Wednesdays are my day off and I often waste them.  Today I done good :)   I did laundry, bedding, dishes, trash, necessary reading.....I did not waste much time; I am happy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shelly, I know what you are saying. I am also have a huge problem with procrastinating. I am still on board with following thru with this program, but I am a few days behind. I need to work on my notebook but I just really haven't had the time. I am hoping to get to it tomorrow or this weekend. I will let you know when I get to thru it.
